Proven Tax Tips Straight to Your Inbox
Are you tired of searching the internet endlessly to find one place that can help you prepare your taxes in a simple way?
I understand because I was just like you when trying to prepare my taxes for the first time.
Tired of:
- Getting the wrong information
- Not understanding the complicated language used on other websites about taxes
- Knowing what first step to take when preparing my taxes
- Not having all the information and help needed on one website
- Not knowing what documents are needed for preparing taxes
If these things ring a bell with you, then you’re in the right place! The 2025 Tax Prep Checklist is designed to help you overcome these headaches.
Get access to your FREE Tax Preparation Checklist and Planning Guide with exclusive tips and strategies made easy just for you.
You will also get:
- Tax Prep Checklist
- Weekly Tax Tips sent directly to your inbox
“My taxes are like my life…complicated. Handy cut it into small bites and it melted like butter! I’m ready for next years receipts!”
Erika – Orlando, Florida
Join 2500+ Others That Get My Weekly Tax Tips via Email
My name is Handy, (pronounced Andy…”H” is silent) and I live in Orlando, Florida, with my beautiful wife and daughter. And when I’m not helping my clients or spending time with my family, you’ll find me playing music or working out.
I believe you should never let your fears keep you from fulfilling your purpose and living out your dreams.

That’s why I founded The Handy Tax Guy… because I believe in using money as a tool to create a life of financial success.
Working with tax clients in the past has helped me combine my many years of experience to create a blog that will help you take control of your finances.
My goal is to give you simple everyday tips that you can use right away.
The first step to taking control of your money is your mindset to do so. Since you are here, I know you’re ready to reach your financial goals. I believe in putting pen to paper in order to make the goal and journey real.